My boyfriend still has pictures of his ex on facebook

Breakups can be extremely difficult to get over, and sometimes people struggle to get over their ex for years.

Some people even get into relationships with new people even when they are still not over their ex.

If you have recently started dating someone and have doubts that he might still not be over his ex, then even small things can cause huge turmoil in your relationship.

One question that is asked to us quite often is what does it mean if my boyfriend has pictures of his ex on Facebook?

There could be various reasons behind this, and we will discuss them in this article and will also tell you what you should do in a situation like this.

Other than that, if your boyfriend has pictures of his ex on his phone computer, then you should read our article about it.

So let’s start

What does it mean when your boyfriend still has his ex’s picture on Facebook?

It is quite common for people to have old pictures of their ex on Facebook, and sometimes they leave them posted even after the breakup. There could be various reasons behind it. It could be that he just forgot to delete them, or it could also mean that he still has some feelings for her.

When you find out something like this, then it could be really confusing for you to understand the reason behind it.

If he has pictures of his ex on Facebook, then it could be because of one of the following reasons:

He forgot to delete them

The most probable reason behind him having pictures of his ex on Facebook is that he just forgot to delete them.

He might have deleted them from his phone and other social media platforms, but maybe he forgot that he had also posted them on Facebook.

You go through a lot after a breakup, and deleting photos from Facebook is probably the last thing that comes to mind, and it’s very normal to completely forget doing that even if you intend to do so.

He just doesn’t use Facebook anymore.

The other most probable reason behind him having pictures of his ex on Facebook is that he might have stopped using Facebook.

Facebook is one of those platforms that all of us have used, and all of us have had Facebook accounts, but many people have moved on from the platform and stopped using it completely.

And your boyfriend could be one of them.

He might have posted those pictures a long time ago, and since then, he might have uninstalled Facebook. Hence, he forgot to delete those pictures.

He has some memories attached to the pictures.

It is possible that the picture reminds him of some event or phase of his life that he wants to remember for the rest of his life, which is why he doesn’t want to delete them.

He was with someone else at that time, but it was still his life, and you can’t erase someones past.

He might like those pictures not because of her but because of some incident or some memories that the pictures remind him of.

So, for example, if your boyfriend has pictures of his graduation day on Facebook in which his ex is also present, then it would be unfair on your part to expect him to delete those pictures just because his ex is present in them.

He still has feelings for her.

And finally, there is also a possibility that he doesn’t want to delete those pictures because he still has feelings for her.

It is quite common for people to still have feelings for their ex when they get into a new relationship.

There is definitely a possibility that he might not have emotionally moved on from his ex when he got into a relationship with you.

If you think this applies to your situation, you should have a serious conversation with him about your relationship and clear things up.

My boyfriend still has pictures of his ex on Facebook. What should I do?

Your boyfriend could have pictures of his ex on Facebook for a variety of reasons, and if you are facing this issue, then it must be really confusing and stressful for you to think about what you should be doing.

The best thing to do in such a situation is to have a serious conversation with him. Just ask him why he has his ex’s pictures on Facebook.

If he gives you a good reason for it, then it’s okay, but if he doesn’t have a good reason for it and you think that he is still not over his ex, then it’s best that you get yourself out of that relationship.

Honestly, there is no other way to solve this problem. You just have to talk to your boyfriend and understand why he hasn’t deleted the pictures.

Is it OK to keep pictures of your ex on Facebook?

It depends on a lot of things, how long you two were together, if you have broken up on good terms or not, the kind of pictures you have, etc.

If you were together for a long time, then it’s obvious that you will have pictures of your ex on Facebook, and there is nothing wrong with that.

Whether or not you want to delete them after the breakup is totally up to you. If you have some memories attached to those pictures or it reminds you of a phase of life, then it’s okay to keep the pictures.

If your current partner is not okay with it, you should consider deleting them or at least explain to them why you keep them.

Or if your ex wants you to delete them then again you should respect them and remove those pictures from Facebook.

The Bottom Line:

It could be quite confusing to find the reason why your boyfriend still has pictures of his ex on Facebook. There could be various reasons behind it. Maybe he just forgot to delete them, or he might have some memories attached to those pictures, or it could also mean that he is not emotionally over his ex yet.

You can only find the real reason once you talk to him about it, so if you are in such a situation, then you should just go ahead and have a conversation with your boyfriend.

If he gives you a genuine reason for still having those pictures, then it’s fine; else, you should reevaluate whether you want to continue dating him or not.






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